This Past Sunday, The New York Times Dropped a Huge 591 Page Load on Doorsteps Across The Nation
If you're one of many who gets home delivery of the New York Times, You may have had to call for help to pick the thing up and bring it into your home. The paper according to Politico Media weighed in at a massive 5.4 wrist breaking pounds. OK so it doesn't come close to the September 14, 1987 edition which weighed in at 12 pounds and got the attention of the Guinness World Record, but subscribers got their money's worth on Sunday. T Style Magazine alone packed 204 pages and weigh in at 1.1 pounds.
Significantly, the Times’ upgrading of its paper stock - to a much whiter coated product -- on its New Season sections is on one to watch. As daily print dwindles for all newspaper publishers, some are smartly remaking Sunday as the reading day, and pouring meaning into the “premium” read they claim with a more attractive, better-color-reproducing paper stock.[post_ad]
This Past Sunday, The New York Times Dropped a Huge 591 Page Load on Doorsteps Across The Nation
Reviewed by Editor