Vice Media's New Girl Power Vertical "Broadly" Has a Pulse
It feels like it was announced a year ago, but truth be told it was only about 5 months ago that Vice announced that it was going after millennial women with a new vertical called Broadly. Well the site is finally live and spreading girl power all over the internet. The site headed by former Jezebel editor Tracie Egan Morrissey has been a little over a year in the making. See, Egan Morrissey pitched the idea for the site to Vice honcho Shane Smith back in September of 2014. Plans for the site was then announced 6 months after that and then took another 5 months to come alive. Now all eyes are on Tracie Egan Morrissey who made big promises and who famously said:
"I really don't want to take a shit on other women's sites," she said. "Honestly, I really don't. But I also think that there's a lot of light stuff going on as far as personal essay kind of things, and I'm more interested in reporting on stories and reporting facts."[post_ad]
Vice Media's New Girl Power Vertical "Broadly" Has a Pulse
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