Video Wire: Chris Cuomo: Its OK for Prince Harry to get killed
Published: Tuesday, March 04, 2008
BY SDH We've said some pretty shitty things in the past and we have no regrets about them. But Good Morning America's Chris Cuomo is a uber Dick Head for his comment about Prince Harry being expendable so that’s why he was allowed to go to Afghanistan because he isn't the heir to the throne. Basically what Cuomo is saying is that, it's OK for Prince Harry to get killed as long as Prince William is safe. OK so admittedly we could care less about the whole prince this queen that crock but wow! Wait why do we care what Chris Cuomo said about Prince Harry? This is kinda odd! Harry wouldn’t even have gotten bitten by a mosquito because he was nowhere near any danger. Your still a dick though Cuomo Labels: VideoWire |