Under CEO Bob Iger, Disney hasn't been shy about spending big to acquire content and the companies that produces it. In fact, this very strategy has helped propel Disney to the top of the media/entertainment heap. It all Started with the acquisition of Pixar, followed by other acquisitions like Lucas Film, Marvel and others and and now maybe Vice Media? There is talk that Bob Iger, perhaps as his last big move, is thinking about dropping $5 billion to buy all of Vice Media. Disney Already Owns a 15% Stake in Vice Through A+E Networks which it co-owns with Hearst On Top of a 9% stake it owns solely. There is supposed to be a lot of buzz around Disney this week with the opening of a new Disney resort in Shanghai and the premiere of Pixar's
Finding Dory among other things. Perhaps adding a takeover of Vice Media would be the cherry on top?
Disney appears to be trying to figure out a way to chase young people wherever they are. It acquired Maker, a producer and distributor of online content, for $675 million two years ago, but recently sold out of Univision’s Latino-flavored news channel Fusion. Other Vice stakeholders alongside the Bob Iger-led company include WPP Group and 21st Century Fox.