Rolling Stone Magazine's Managing Editor Will Dana is Out
Will Dana, the managing editor of Rolling Stone is out at the magazine following the botched gang rape article at the University of Virginia which the magazine had to pull. Mr. Dana's last day will be on August 7. There is no mention of another gig lined up which probably means his departure was an amicable one as Wenner Media CEO Jann Wenner is under pressure to hold his editorial team accountable for the controversial article. It also follows the debacle at Gawker Media where the site's two top editors and throngs of other editorial staffers resigned over an article that was ordered pulled by the company's founder/CEO.
In a statement, Mr. Dana said, “After 19 years at Rolling Stone, I have decided that it is time to move on.” He added: “It has been a great ride and I loved it even more than I imagined I would. I am as excited to see where the magazine goes next as I was in the summer of 1978 when I bought my first issue.”more: [post_ad] [full_width]
Rolling Stone Magazine's Managing Editor Will Dana is Out
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