Time Inc's Chief Content Officer Norm Pearlstine Spoke With Mr. Magazine About The Usual Stuff
Norm Pearlstine has been called almost everything in the media book, from "Old Media Lion" to "Stormin Norman" to "Dean of Editors". Mr. Pearlstine has been at this since before there was such a thing as the Internet. Now today, its all about the Internet and Mr. Pearlstine is a driving force behind Time Inc's effort to push its content across all platforms. He chatted with Mr. Magazine -aka- Samir Husni about the usual stuff like whether print will be around much longer, obstacles, journalism etc. Here are some quotes from the interview then click over to Mr.Magazine for the full length
Said Norm:
Said Norm:
source: Mr. Magazine
“We may change the (publishing) model in different ways; we may become more sophisticated about printing and delivering content by zip code or by ways in which our readers define themselves, but I think that there’s still a robust market for print having had such a long tradition of creating content.” Norman Pearlstine
“I do believe there will continue to be an audience for a printed product who will be willing to pay for that delivery system.” Norman Pearlstine
“Having to figure out how to make a story a compelling one, but where a desire for fairness really forces you to understand what people do; why they do it, and to really seek out that kind of balance, I think doesn’t come automatically. And that’s one of the things that I always worry about.” Norman Pearlstine
Time Inc's Chief Content Officer Norm Pearlstine Spoke With Mr. Magazine About The Usual Stuff
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