Tracie Egan Morrissey, The Editor In Chief of Vice's One Year Old Female Focused Website Broadly, Didn't Know Her Place
"I really don't want to take a shit on other women's sites," she said. "Honestly, I really don't. But I also think that there's a lot of light stuff going on as far personal essay kind of things, and I'm more interested in reporting on stories and reporting facts."When the site was announced some were skeptical because they were expecting more of the same. One former Vicer who jumped ship to Fusion at the time said:
"Good luck to Vice's new pink sparkly corner!"But Ms. Morrissey was on somewhat of a campaign reassuring potential readers that Broadly would be different. She had a blunt style to her that was evident before the site even launched. Remember this one?
“I don’t want to just focus on rape and abortion. Women aren’t just the consequence of sh—y sex that happens to them. We’re going to do humor pieces that harken back to the old days of Vice, but not in a raunchy way. We’re bringing back nuance.”So it is no surprise that some of this blunt humor and straight talk would carry over into her management style. Unfortunately for her, though, it didn't go over well with some employees and probably violated workplace policies and now she is out of a job because of it, kinda. She still remains on the Vice payroll for now. Vice placed Ms. Morrissey on extended leave back in June and now Vice is looking for a new Editor in Chief for the site who they hope won't be as blunt as Ms. Morrissey.
Tracie Egan Morrissey, The Editor In Chief of Vice's One Year Old Female Focused Website Broadly, Didn't Know Her Place
Reviewed by Editor
August 19, 2016