Maxim magazine today is a shadow of itself on many levels. The once mighty men's magazine was purchased by businessman Sardar Biglari two years ago and has been in what seems like a permanent head first dive. Mr. Biglari spent big to bring in some of the industry's top guns like former Details publisher Kevin Martinez who was lured with a rumored seven figure salary. Mr. Biglari also wooed Kate Lanphear from T: The New York Times fashion magazine to come on as editor in chief. She was charged with overseeing a major makeover of the magazine, shifting it from a barely clad men's title to a more fashion focused lifestyle publication to appeal to more advertisers. But the shift was rejected as newsstand sales plummeted leading to a second makeover. However as the second makeover began, Ms. Lanphear was removed followed by a quiet exit by Mr. Martinez. Sardar Biglari, who is said to have meddled heavily in editorial decisions, then installed himself as Editor in Chief. We all thought it was a temporary move especially when he brought in Glenn O'Brien. But Mr. O'Brien joined as Editor at Large but strangely had the same powers as an Editor In Chief. None of those moves like the first ones helped turn things around for the magazine. Revenue has now collapsed some 60% according to the
NY Post and there is no signs the bleeding will stop. The only thing left at this point for Mr. Biglari to do is cut and run.