New York Times' Star CTO Rajiv Pant Exits, Headed to Start Up
Rajiv Pant, the 40 year old CTO that has helped the New York Times get its digital footing is leaving the company to take on a top roll at a start up company where he'll head technology, design and product. Prior to the roll he's departing, Mr. Pant was Vice President of digital technology. He also served in that same roll at Conde Nast.
Pant, a 40-year-old, four-year veteran of the Times, has had his fingers in much of the major transformation the Times has experienced this decade. Some are publicly obvious: the scaling up of the Times’ pioneering paywall, which now counts 957,000 digital-only paying customers, and the NYT 5 website redesign, which embraced visuals, storytelling and speed of loading as primary attributes. Others make differences behind the scenes: the hiring of dozens of digital talents that have deepened the Times’ tech bench; the creation of the Times’ first data science team; mobile expansion; and, most recently, the advent of continuous delivery.
New York Times' Star CTO Rajiv Pant Exits, Headed to Start Up
Reviewed by Editor
May 05, 2015