-Shomari HinesTouching back on our post yesterday about New York Times reporter Kurt Eichenwald paying off teen porn star Justin Berry back in 2005 to spill the beans on the workings on his perv filled world, an anonymous commenter makes it clear the media has been asking the wrong question about this issue. However asking the right question and getting the answer could lead to more drama at the New York Times. Because based on what this commenter is claiming, the New York Times may have indirectly funded a gay teen porn site. Here is what our commenter had to say after the click
I am amazed that no one in the media is asking the right question. What did Justin Berry do with the $2000.00 that Eichenwald sent him?The answer appears to be: "He used the money to re-establish his porn site."A firm timeline has been established by the evidence produced in the US v. Richards and US v. Mitchel cases, and this timeline is very interesting.In May, 2005, when Eichenwald first contacted Berry, Berry had been out of the webcam porn business for about 6 months. He had lost his "mexicofriends.com" website when the registration expired in March, 2005. His "justinsfriends.com" website was dormant. Justin hadn't put on a "show" since November, 2004, when he had discovered religion and quit the business for the first time. On June 8, 2005 Eichenwald sent Berry a $2,000 cashier's check from Dallas, Texas. Berry received the check the following day in Bakersfield, California. According to Berry's home computer files, that very same day he began reworking the justinsfriends.com website in order to put it online again as an active website.The following week Berry traveled from Bakersfield to Dublin, Virginia, where his former business partner and lover, Greg Mitchel lived. Mitchel owned the name "justinsfriends.com" and Berry needed to make a deal with him in order to start the site up again. They made their deal. While he was in Virginia Berry participated in a masturbation session with an underage boy named Taylor which Mitchel filmed. Berry needed help setting up the site and on June 17, 2005, he hired Tim Richards to oversee the site. Richards was to receive a 25% cut of the income.Justinsfriends.com went back online over the weekend of June 18-19, 2005, Berry advertised justinsfriends.com as a legal adult webcam site on eb15.com (which is now defunct). Starting on June 19, 2005, Berry began putting on "shows" by masturbating in front of his webcam. This was legal since Berry was almost 19 years of age at that point. He also uploaded videos of other "performers". Almost all of the videos were legal. The FBI reports only identified 3 videos as having illegal content. They were 2 videos of Berry having sex with Mexican prostitutes when he was 17, and the video of Berry with Taylor. All of these videos were uploaded to the reactivated website after June 18th.Berry met with Eichenwald on June 30 - July 1, 2005, in Los Angeles. He then returned to Bakersfield put on a "show" on July 3, 2005, and hired two other young men to put on a show on July 4, 2005. A couple of days afterward, Berry abandoned the website and flew to Dallas where Eichenwald lives.In summary, New York Times reporter sends retired "camwhore" $2000.00. Retired camwhore then goes back into business, obtains subscribers, uploads illegal videos onto the internet, then after 2 weeks abandons the business and runs off to the reported with the subscriber list. The reporter then writes an awarding winning article that conveniently omits these facts. The shame is that this information (including the existence of the check) has been available on the internet for months, but no one in the media has picked it up.
Mar 8, 2007
published on Thursday, March 08, 2007